Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting is designed for us to be able to evacuate our workplace or public venue safely in event of a power failure or event of a fire.

Once installed emergency lighting is often forgotten about. Yet it needs regular maintenance and will likely need upgrading if your building interior has changed.













Emergency Lighting

It is vital that emergency lighting comes on if the normal lighting fails. It needs to be sufficiently bright, illuminated for enough time, and the light sources so positioned that the staff and visitors of a building can be evacuated safely in an emergency.

Regular maintenance of emergency lighting and fire alarms is essential, to ensure correct operation when an emergency occurs, and compliance with current regulations and insurance requirements. Any faults discovered during maintenance should be recorded in an Emergency Lighting Logbook; this forms part of your Fire Risk Assessment.

BS 5266 is the British Standard for Emergency Lighting, all installations should be installed and maintained in line with these standards.

Emergency lights are a system that uses a battery backup, so when the power fails, the lamps illuminate from the battery, with this in mind, the batteries need to be tested and maintained on a regular basis.

Our engineers carry out work on emergency lighting systems on a daily basis; our services include providing advice on compliance with current regulations, risk assessments and servicing and maintenance visits.

Emergency Lighting Risk Assessment

As with fire alarm systems, emergency lighting needs to be designed to meet the needs of your business and ICEL Design Guide 1001 defines the requirement for a Emergency Lighting Risk Assessment to be carried out.

Our ICEL accredited emergency lighting design engineers are able to provide advice on both your existing emergency lighting, its compliance with BS 5266 and also what upgrades and additions are needed to ensure the safety evacuation of your staff.

Get a copy of our free emergency lighting design guide.

Emergency Lighting Installation

Once a thorough and accurate emergency lighting risk assessment has been carried out, our team of installation electricians are able to install a range of traditional and LED emergency light fittings.

All installations are installed to comply with BS 5266 and BS 7671, certification is issued to comply with the appropriate regulations including Emergency Lighting Design Certificates, Emergency Lighting Completion certificates and Emergency Lighting Verification Certificates. Our work is carried out by our ICEL accredited engineers.

Emergency Lighting Maintenance

BS 5266 recommends a test procedure. The key points of which are shown below:

User Checks


Check indicator light and that all maintained luminaires are operating. Check that any previously recorded fault has been rectified. Record any faults.


In addition to the daily test procedures you must simulate a mains failure of no more than ¼ of the rated duration.

Engineer Service Visits

During an engineer visit all light fittings will be:

  • labeled and identified in the log book
  • tested for the specified duration
  • cleaned as required
  • lamps checked
  • batteries discharged for a period of time
  • mains failure simulated
  • key switches tested
  • photographic evidence of failures obtained
  • all compliance certification and documentation completed.

Above: Examples of correct lighting positions and signage. Sign fitting has been poorly maintained and light output it poor.

Below: Examples of exterior emergency lights on a warehouse. Unoperational, weathered, requiring cleaning and maintenance. Most of all, would not work in an emergency.

Examples of Poorly Maintained Emergency Lighting

Location: Office for 300 Staff, 25th Floor, Central London

Emergency lighting has been poorly maintained with most fittings failing to operate under failure conditions.

A furnished office with over 300 staff would find it difficult to evacuate in under 3 minutes.

Ready to Stand Out From the Crowd?

Emergency Lighting Surveys, Inspection and Maintenance Examples